The Reunion

Friday 1 March 2013

Evaluation 2

How does your media product represent particular social groups?

When we were trying to adapt our main character the character we kept on relating it too was forrest Gump.The story of Forrest Gump depicts several decades in the life of Forrest Gump, a naïve and slow-witted yet athletically prodigious native of Alabama who witnesses, and in some cases influences, some of the defining events of the latter half of the 20th century in the United States. The character's match as they are both quite geeky and especially in these two shots as you can see above ther are both wearing a suit. The characters may match in some ways however the story behind it is not quite the same the fact that Gordon is wearing a brown leather satchel to try and follow the trend is something Forrest gump would never try to act like something he is not. The locations are also completely differant from forrest gump beign set in sunny North Carolina and The reunion being set infrom of Gordonstoun house in Scotland. We used this location to try and create a busy and profesional atmosphere. We were extremly influenced by Forrest Gump and many other charaters such as Tom of 500 days of summer however we created our own twist to the character to avoid our stories being completely identicle. 

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